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A Few Points

Reading Time - 4 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Few Points

We’ve got a few points that need to be either redressed or ignored, both technical and manual. Here then are the good points and the bad.

1) Our SEO Software

We were disappointed to learn that our SEO software had now been acquired by EIG/Newfold Digital , who in the very recent past had ruined many hosting companies (Bluehost – Hostgator amongst them) through their poor customer service, and their incessant need to force redundancies and/or pay cuts.

It was decided then that we should search for a new SEO software solution.

We ignored Rank-Math due to the constraints placed on users using the free version, and the pro version of Rank-Math was not an option due to awful reports from users of that version.

That left us then with two more to try:

1a) SEOPress

SEOPress at first glance was a joy to work with, all of the meta information being transferred over from Yoast within two minutes.

Initially, this looked and felt fine, but examining our results in Google Search Console over an eight-hour period, it seemed that SEOPress was having problems with our sitemaps.

We re-activated Yoast and installed a staging site to play around with a few points on SEOPress.

The original website now seemed MUCH faster with Yoast, and the staging site was now lumped with all the problems.

The main problem of course was with the sitemaps:

Sitemaps Source

Notice how some of the sitemaps have red error messages?

Over the next few hours, most of the sitemaps with green success messages would have changed to red error messages, making the whole idea of SEOPress a non-starter.


All In One Search Engine Optimisation AIOSEO was the last SEO software that we tried, mainly due to the never-ending option popups to upgrade to the pro version (which we hated with a passion).

The software as it is though seems to work pretty well, and it also allows you to automatically input Facebook and Twitter cards inside its settings.

SEOPress and AIOSEO were the only SEO softwares that we found that allowed you to do this, but whilst SEOPress blew up your sitemaps, we decided that the never-ending popups from AIOSEO were a viable trade-off.

So you are now reading the first post powered by AIOSEO!

2) Our 100th Screensaver:

We just happened to notice while placing our new lead image, that this was the 100th lead image placed onto our Screensavers Gallery page.

All the way from the red curtains (our first one) up to the ‘Naked’ one (our latest one) and also including now our mobile screensavers, these have been running since we were using a pre-loader up to the present day.

This has been, and always will be a free service from Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts.

3) Our Applicants:

A few points now on our latest applicants.

Personally, we would have thought that applying for a position at Midlands MAIDENS Nottingham Escorts implies that we are looking for Maidens in the Midlands.

This does NOT mean that we are looking for Indian blokes with 4″ cocks, with phones that sound like they have been dropped down the toilet in Bulwell Bus Station.

‘Midlands Indian Blokes with 4″ Cocks’ doesn’t have the same pulling power as ‘Midlands Maidens’ does it?

World Penis Size Map

A few points now on the GIRL applicants:

We’ve had many of these, but noting our position on facial blurs, they are added for those girls that wanted to harbour a little anonymity.

We do NOT add facial blurs because, without them, no bugger in his right mind would want to shag them!

Of the genuinely pretty girls that have applied, they have all failed to apply our simple interview rules.


There endeth our post on technical and manual points.

We hope that this has been enlightening for you and that it goes beyond the cock chart above!

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

This post’s lead image by GOOD-FON


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