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Amp new Website

AMP New Website for Midlands Maidens

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Friday, July 7, 2023

AMP New Website for Midlands Maidens

Before we start on this ‘techie’ post, it might be useful to explain exactly what an AMP website is, and more importantly what it is NOT.

An AMP new website is NOT one with loads of scantily clad girls prancing about with guitars. If this were the case, we’d have no problems at all in moving to AMP.

An AMP new website is a bloody nightmare to set up, and even then most of the pages look like they were designed by someone from the 1960s with no arms.

An AMP new website is used for speedy loading of pages from a mobile phone, though from what we’ve seen so far there’s hardly any difference.

So what exactly are the benefits of using an AMP new website?

Well, it all comes down to Google promoting Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) which are supposed to load instantaneously.

Though if Google were REALLY concerned about how fast a website loads, we’d have thought that they’d ban all the ads.

AMP is very good for blog posts – in fact, searching from a mobile phone on Google for ‘Nottingham escorts blog’ will throw a couple of our own AMP’ed pages up in first place.

We were rather fortunate in finding a nice piece of kit to arrange and order our AMP pages and posts, which only required a minimal bit of coding, and we can announce now that a large proportion of the website is AMP compatible.

It’s rather annoying though, that many visitors won’t even realise this, as they are using PCs and laptops to access the website.

However, if you really did want to see what all the fuss is about, we added a little link on the front page where you can go straight to our AMP site, and see what designers in the 1960s with no arms get up to.

The AMP new website is viewable from a PC complete with its basic navigation and items appearing out of line, but as we said earlier – it’s great for blog posts and mobile navigation.

Forgive us for not being totally enthusiastic about this new version, and those feelings are echoed from other quarters too – and we might even get fed up of it and rip it all out.

[bctt tweet=”Read about AMP and Midlands Maidens in this riveting techie post!” username=”MidlandsMaidens”]

For now, though, enjoy Midlands Maidens in AMP!

This post was originally posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


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