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At Discretion

At Discretion – What Does it Mean?

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

At Discretion – What Does it Mean?

On most of our staff profiles now, are services or ‘likes’ with (at discretion) mentioned. What does ‘at discretion’ actually mean?

Far from the usual cop-out of our girls going along to clients and refusing to do anything unless it’s an ‘extra’, at Midlands Maidens, we insist on regular health checks on our staff – meaning that some clients need to have a good scrubbing before some of these ‘likes’ will even be considered.

Here then, are a few of the pitfalls that clients might run into regarding their health and cleanliness issues:

Cold Sores:

Cold Sores

These nasty little blighters will affect anything to do with oral stimulation, whether it be kissing, Deep French Kissing (DFK), or oral stimulation by the client on the girl.

In the event that you wanted to meet one of our staff members whilst having a cold sore or two, we would either suggest turning your head away to avoid oral contact or putting a bag over your head.

Knob Cheese:

cock cheese

There really is no excuse for this, and it’s a running joke at every Midlands Maidens interview when OWO (oral without a condom) comes up, knobs with cheese attached can (and should) be excluded from all contact.

Clients should have their tackle in perfect and clean working order, and if they really did want to save their cheesy knob flakes, then mix it in with a cheese sandwich before our girl arrives.


Finally, we come to the most pristine cleanliness item on this list, the art of rimming.

For those of you who aren’t sure what rimming is, it’s where the girl licks your bum and maybe even sticks her tongue inside.

It can even lead to an erotic prostate massage by the girl, who should be able to find your male G-spot.

The problem though comes with this:

Dirty Rimming at discretion

No girl on the planet is going to want to ‘rim’ an arse that needs a good wipe, and this might even lead to her throwing up and walking out on you.

Make sure that your bum is clean and pristine for the girl to go down on, and much enjoyment should be had by all.

We hope that you will follow our guides to cleanliness on a booking so that our staff members will enjoy the oral connections just as much as you.

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.



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