Well, the kids are due to have gone back to school on September 4th, meaning that once again we can start working with some purpose.
Attack Spikes
Reading Time - 2 mins
Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Attack Spikes
Another ‘techie’ post this time, all to do with attack spikes and their various sources, and our simple remedy to combat them.
You might have noticed last Sunday afternoon, that there was a massive influx of traffic (users) viewing the Midlands Maidens website, doubling and even tripling our normal user-base.
You might have also noticed from the STATISTICS page that there was a massive rise in views of the default ‘404’ error page that we have set up, mainly to catch these attackers.
Before we go on, it might be worth explaining what a 404 page is:
A 404 page is a page that you will reach if you attempt to go to an old, or now a non-existent page on the website – for eg one of our old girls’ pages or a feature that we do not use any more. Rather than give you something like a fatal error, our 404 page has a neat menu on it that should direct you back to live pages.
The way WE use our 404 pages, however, is to catch people that are forming attack spikes by trying to login to the website back-end. If you’re trying to login to the back-end then it MUST be for something dodgy, so to keep all the malware and spyware purveyors out there from accessing our website, we just send them to the 404 pages, where no harm can be done.
An additional piece of kit for security is the software applied by our latest host – KRYSTAL HOSTING – who at the first sign of malware or spyware, lock down the website so that it can be detected and removed.
This system initially got us slightly annoyed when we first moved over here, as the dodgy codes allowed by the likes of GoDaddy and TSO Host were flung out of the window by Krystal, who refused to let the website run normally until all the dodgy bits had been removed.
It’s obviously a good thing though, as on both GoDaddy and TSO we were hounded by attacks, and the only way to avoid them were to fall prey to an ‘upsell’ for their own security software that really didn’t do anything except to leave you out of pocket.
Krystal’s way of doing things is far more hands-on and teaches you what to look for, and eventually deleting the dodgy code.
Anyone interested in trying out Krystal can now do so by adding the code MMSKRYS (Midlands Maidens at Krystal) into your checkout box over there when you can split a free tenner with us. Sure it’s not a lot, and you need to make sure your websites are spyware and malware-free before you site is allowed to go live, but the speed is well worth it!
Originally posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.
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