Part three of what you can expect when applying to become a Nottingham Escort. Part three: Relationships.
Reading Time - 2 mins
Last Updated on Friday, September 13, 2024
We’ve just had this phrase turn up in our search results – ‘escort girls for sex without protection in Nottingham’ – or barebacking as it’s known within the industry.
Two reasons why we’ve written a response to this one:
- 1) Anyone trying a similar search will now get sent to THIS post,
- and
- 2) The health and death issues regarding ‘barebacking.
Barebacking is the ‘service’ whereby the client and the girl use no protection at all for sex and can be seen as the ultimate GFE (GirlFriend Experience) that only occurs between two partners in a stable relationship or two partners that are married.
The main problem with this ultimate GFE scenario within the escorting industry is that ANYONE, be they one of the clients or one of the girls could have a lingering sexual disease which in extreme cases could prove to be fatal.
NONE of the girls working for Midlands Maidens would even consider operating bareback, and indeed if anyone was found to be barebacking, they would be removed immediately.
We would presume that this is also the case for any other local, or nationwide agency of note, and indeed for any independent or streetwalker that values their health above a quick tenner tip, or even a £1000 tip or a £1,000,000 tip, as there is no price that would pay for early death.
All of our girls have regular health checks to make sure that everything is working as it should be, and we feel that this is essential for the client’s well-being.
Some CLIENTS, however, see this as a ‘golden ticket’ whereby they can shag anyone, anywhere, and anytime with no need to worry about health risks when they would be the first to moan when they get a dose of the clap.
It is for this reason that NO girl working for Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts will ever consider performing full sex under a barebacking scenario, and any client asking for this service will be perpetually refused an appointment with any of our girls.
We hope that we’ve made that clear now and that you enjoy a happy booking with a happy full lifestyle!
Originally posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.
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