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Becoming a Regular

Becoming a Regular

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Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Becoming a Regular

We’ve dedicated this post to those of you who were wondering how becoming a regular client is a real bonus at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts.

First off, becoming a regular client with us need cost you nothing at all. What you need to do is make an outcall appointment to meet any of the girls, between 10am-10pm, and after the booking has gone ahead you will then be termed as a regular client.

Regular Client Blog Post This is a rather simple scenario though, well defined and thought out for a provider that is only open when they can be bothered, or until they turn off the phones for the night.

With a 24 hour agency such as Midlands Maidens though, with calls coming in perpetually at all times of the day or night and for the security of our staff, we need to sort out the good clients from the arse holes and timewasters, and those of you who are genuine clients will obviously go along with our methods here.

Later on in the new year, we will be opening another phone line which will be for regular clients only, and all calls to that phone line will supersede and take priority over any calls made to the direct Midlands Maidens line.

Until that time though, we are running our present system to find out who is regular and who is not.

Regular Post One The most obvious benefit to becoming a regular client is the cash thing.

Whereas a regular client will pay £150 for the first hour at any time of the day or night, new clients are restricted on this to between 10am and 10pm, after which they are asked to pay an ‘unsocial hours’ premium of £50 on the first hour only.

Still it’s not all bad news – after the first unsocial hours appointment, they then become regulars and get future appointments cheaper.

Regular clients are also able to take advantage of our incalls from 12pm midday to 10pm, or through the night if an extended appointment is made.

Regular Post Two In all of the above cases, we look forward to welcoming many regular clients to Midlands Maidens, but what about the 5% of ‘clients’ that will never be entertained as regulars?

These are mainly the time-wasters and piss-heads that stroll around the city at the weekend, looking for a cheap joint to hang around in after the pubs have shut so they’ve got somewhere private to throw up in and snort their cocaine.

Becoming a Regular Client Just to make it clear then that Midlands Maidens will not under any circumstances entertain this type of rabble, and those providers that will invite them in are welcome to them.

There is the small element of ‘staff security’ here, and would YOU really want a collection of yobbos turning up at your door, pissed out of their heads with each other’s sick all over them?

We hope that we’ve enlightened you on the benefits of becoming a regular client at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts, and we look forward to meeting you soon!

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


Girl with cash on her jugs from –

Girl with a money belt from –

Girl being covered in a money blanket from –



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