500 Not Out
Right after the ‘Unknown White Skirt’ FashionLand post, we noticed it was the 500th post, so we’re now batting on 500 not out!
Midlands Maidens Secret Diary Section
Midlands Maidens Secret Diary Section
Right after the ‘Unknown White Skirt’ FashionLand post, we noticed it was the 500th post, so we’re now batting on 500 not out!
It’s a pity when you enjoy the jukebox playing ‘Falling Down’ rather than the ‘charms’ of an interviewee trying to join us.
Isn’t it a pity when a pretty 18-year-old applicant turns up and you must reject her for health and safety reasons?
Here we go with our last video outing for 2024, which we have imaginatively named ‘Winter Recruitment 2024’.
We’ve been searching a few ‘woke’ ideologies and why political correctness is not welcome at Midlands Maidens. who are just an old-fashioned agency!
We wrote a post a couple of weeks ago, explaining the ‘Right Type of Classiness’ required to Join Midlands Maidens. Here is a video for further guidance.
For those of you who were thinking of joining Midlands Maidens and are continually stumped with our ‘high standards and class’ demands, this post is for you!
There was an opportunity this week to double our staff list with one fell swoop – find out what happened when Midlands Maidens met the Three Musketeers!
Starting today, when applying to join Midlands Maidens, we offer two types of interviews described in this September Dancing (S-H-E) Recruitment post.
Following Julia’s success a few weeks ago, we were expecting a few more Secret Diary entries – here is an example of how NOT to join Midlands Maidens!
August Bank Holiday Recruitment We thought we’d combine some of…
After last week’s Agency Hopper and Timewaster applicants, we finally got a little breathing space by taking on another Maiden at last!
As usual last night, we needed to turn off the phones. This announcement is to declare price rises at Midlands Maidens for unsocial hours.
It was pointed out that the original version of this video wasn’t kinky enough, so here is the Autumn Recruitment 2024 Kinky Version Video.
To tie in with the Autumn Recruitment 2024 video, we’ve written a quick post to whet your appetite.
We’re approaching the last days of Summer, and still, Midlands Maidens are struggling with just a dynamic duo on our staff list.