The new rates have kicked in, and the first weekend's success at Midlands Maidens has been overwhelming!
Christmas Trimmings 2020
Reading Time - 3 mins
Last Updated on Saturday, October 5, 2024
Christmas Trimmings 2020
Well what a mess it’s been this year, but we’ll do our best to give you some yuletide cheer with our Christmas trimmings for 2020.
We’ve also replaced one of the website pages, but we’ll get onto that later.
Christmas Boxes:
By now, the majority of our regular clients who’ve stuck with us during this virus-ridden year, have taken delivery of their Christmas boxes.
The booze and baccy were taken care of by yours truly, and the choccies and lingerie were supplied by the girls themselves.
This is an ongoing feature of the ‘Maidens Experience’, by simply giving something back to those clients that stay with us and use us on a regular basis, and boy, did they deserve it this year!
The New Page:
This is just a re-vamp of the ‘Resources’ page, which we have now changed to ‘Advertising‘.
The logos on this page have been swapped out for homepage screenshots, so you can see what you’re being tempted by before you visit.
The screenshots will be ‘spidered’ every couple of weeks or so, showing fully up to date images for those websites that wanted to advertise on there.
Christmas TV Ads 2020
These are absolutely shocking this year (again), being just a choice of which ‘woke‘ or ‘bame‘, politically correct adverts you can watch, provided that a ‘snowflake’ or a BLM member doesnt take offence to them.
It won’t be too long now before we see a black Santa Claus, tramping through the snow, until snow gets banned too for being racist.
We’re therefore publishing one of our old ‘Christmas Messages’ from around five years ago which says far more about Christmas and it’s spirit than any old John Lewis or MacDonalds advert can:
The Christmas Trimmings Totty Gallery:
Finally then, where would we be without a few Christmas trimmings, supplied by one of our totty galleries?
It just remains for us to wish all of our clients, past, present and future, a very Merry Christmas, and many more Happy Bookings x
Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS, the SECRET DIARY, the MUSIC BOX, and the FETISH teams.
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