Add your links to our advertising page!
We would love to add your link or resource to our advertising page.
Grab this image from our website by right-clicking on it:
…and ‘save image as’ to save the image.
Post it on your own website with a link back to
…and then let us know via the form below.
**Please Note** Your links page must be visible from your main website, and be accessible within two clicks from your navigation.
Any ‘orphaned’ links pages will NOT be accepted.
Also – due to a rise in scam websites applying to be link partners purely to get a backlink rather than to advertise their business, we shall now be ‘image searching’ ALL websites for duplicate images, porn-site images, lingerie model images, celebrity images etc etc.
Websites containing any of the above will be refused admission to our resource links and homepage links, and depending on the images used will be reported to any agents representing the owner of the image material.
Guest Blogs
We are now accepting advertising in the form of guest blogs from relevant providers.
If you wanted to write for us, please send any copy to the office using either Notepad, Wordpad, or Google Drive, and your content will be placed in our new ‘Guest Blogs’ section.
PLEASE NOTE that only guest blogs from RELEVANT providers will be accepted and should provide our visitors with a nice reading experience – any pharma, gambling, wristbands, sunglasses, or content with loads of backlinks inside (like the content which gets deleted from our comments section) will be politely discarded.
All guest blog writers will also have their websites published on this ‘ADVERTISING’ page.