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How to Apply For a Job

How to Apply For a Job

Reading Time - 5 mins

Last Updated on Sunday, April 14, 2024

How to Apply For a Job

In our last post, we showed you how to leave a review. We thought it might be best now to show you how to apply for a job at Midlands Maidens.

We’ve actually done a post on this issue before, in the ‘How to Apply‘ publication, but since then everything has changed (for the better?)

Since that original post, we have introduced applications via WhatsApp , and we’ve improved the form on the Escorts Jobs page, so we considered that an update on applications was due.

Here then are the official ways how to apply for a job at Midlands Maidens.

Applying by Phone:

How to Apply For a Job by Phone

Applying for a position at Midlands Maidens by an old-fashioned phone call is still the most popular way to apply for most interviewees.

We suspect that the reason for this is that most agencies prefer to make themselves ‘untouchable’ and impossible to talk to – probably because most agency owners nowadays struggle with basic fluency in the English language.

At Midlands Maidens, even if you apply via WhatsApp or via the application form, your first point of contact will be by an old-fashioned phone call from us, to ensure that you yourself have basic fluency in the English language.

Applying via WhatsApp:

How to Apply for a job WhatsApp

Surprisingly, applying via WhatsApp is the least used method applied by interviewees, but that’s probably due to our business account requiring photos.

If photos are not added, the applicant will get a phone call from us saying that we cannot accept applications without photos.

Whereas photos of porn stars and images from the Amazon lingerie catalogues will get them a position on any other agency, there is no chance of that at Midlands Maidens, where we run everything through a Google Image Search prior to calling the applicant back.

This is probably why ‘will snd sum ltr’ turns into the applicant disappearing up her own ass hole.

How to Apply For a Job via the Application Form:

How to Apply For a Job Laptop

After the phone call, applying via the application form is the most popular and transparent way to apply for a position at Midlands Maidens.

We’ll now add a few screen-shots indicating how to do this:

After opening the ‘Jobs‘ page in the menu and watching or scrolling past the videos, you will be greeted with this:

Application Form pt1

You should add your name, your email address, your height and your age, and finally, your UK dress size into each of the required fields.

You should be at least 18 years of age to apply for a position at Midlands Maidens, and if you are 22 years old or under, you should be prepared to show some form of photo id at any subsequent interview.

Application Form pt2

Following that, you should add your phone number, your message to Midlands Maidens regarding your application, your location, and whether or not you can drive into the required fields.

Please note that your phone number must be a contract phone or a contract sim-only deal, as using a burner phone (PAYG) is wholly unacceptable when it comes to your own security.

Application Form pt3

It’s then time to add your photos.

TWO photos MUST be added but there is space to add FIVE.

Please note that if you send TWO photos, these must be in ‘selfie’ format with your body and face showing.

The remaining three file uploads can be used to either send more selfies over or to add some professionally taken boudoir shots.

NONE of these photos will be published on the website without your express permission!

Application Form pt4

Finally, there is an unrequired field message that you can send us regarding your call-back, and a couple of required fields regarding a WhatsApp interview and some marketing purely for our own use at Midlands Maidens.

When your application form is filled in, click on ‘SEND MESSAGE‘ and your application will wing its way over to the Midlands Maidens office within seconds!

We hope that you’ve enjoyed reading how to apply for a job at Midlands Maidens, and some relevant pages will be shown below.

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS and SECRET DIARY teams.

Relevant Pages:


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