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Important Messages Blog Post

Important Messages

Reading Time - 3 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Important Messages

We’ve been busy arranging things, both off-site and on-site this week, and here are a few important messages that everyone should be aware of.

First off, the Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts incalls have had a bit of a re-rack, to save our beloved cleaning lady’s bunions and general health on needing to be available whenever we are open.

Incalls now are available from 12 midday up to 10pm for regular clients only, and any bookings outside these hours are reserved for those clients that wish to book an overnight booking.

This gives the maintenance staff a full 12 hours per day off – even when an overnight booking is taking place – for them to go out on the razzle, and then make sure that our premises are in spick and span condition as per usual.

Sexy Cleaning Lady in Important Messages

An important message now for visitors to the website, who will no doubt have noticed our new ‘pre-loader’.

A pre-loader is a screen that greets you whilst the website is loading in the background.

It was quite possible to ‘overdo’ this, like most of the Indian websites do, by making their websites load a pre-loader on every page, that takes ages to load up, and then you get taken to a page that has loads of highlighted yellow writing, as they are all under the misconception that this catches the attention.

We find it rather monotonous actually, and will be confining ours to the first visit only of the homepage, and we aim to make it a little more interesting by adding ‘girlie’ pics, like the one below:

Pre-Loader Post Section

Running on from the image above :), the rest of the important messages concern mainly back-end work, that you probably won’t even notice.

We’ve added new schema software, which means that we don’t now have to write a mini summary at the bottom of every page – the new software does it automatically and hides it.

We’ve added a mobile version of our front page, so that it gets straight into the action without having to read through loads of waffle and blog posts before getting to the girls’ sections.

Just this minute whilst we were writing this post, we’ve added lightbox software for single images, like the ones on this post, so that they can be opened in a lightbox. Try clicking on an image and be impressed!

And finally, we’ve added a neat daily news item – STOP PRESS – on the front page, that we’ll try to keep updated on a daily basis, and a RTA (Restricted To Adults) disclaimer, that tries to advise parents that this is an adult website, and kids should not be allowed to view it.

Tiny Girl Important Messages

Thanks for reading our Important Messages post, and we’ll look forward to seeing you next time!

Posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

Vlog Post:


Lead Image from the Beijing Massage Centre .

The Cleaning Lady Image from Pixers.

The Pre-Loader Section Image from Friday-Ad.

The Jailbait Image from Depop.

Did you find a video that is no longer working?

Let us know by mentioning it on our SUGGESTIONS PAGE (opens in a new tab) and we’ll try and find a replacement.


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