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Jealousy's Ugly Head

Jealousy’s Ugly Head

Reading Time - 3 mins

Last Updated on Sunday, December 8, 2024

Jealousy’s Ugly Head

This post is being passed over to Lou-Lou, where she defines ‘Jealousy’s Ugly Head’, following a few comments on our latest recruitment post.

The recruitment post is ‘The Right Type of Classiness‘, (comments are under the post) where I’ve just had a blazing row with one of our website visitors.

Rather than banning her, I thought it would be better to have it out with her for all to see, and let’s face it, our opinions are ALWAYS controversial and we welcome all replies.

She seems to have STFU now with her false accusations, so we’ll pass you over to Lou-Lou who was also included in her rants:

Hi everyone – Lou-Lou here!

I reckon Steve handled that row pretty well – good job I wasn’t here!

Anyway I looked her up on FaceBook and Steve’s suspicions were spot on – she’s a lesbian Weeble but Steve won’t let me write her full name here.

Lesbians are even worse than any other girl for throwing out insulting and racist comments because they haven’t got a dick to shut them up!

Just in case any of you are wondering what a Weeble is, I’m gonna post a couple of videos.

First one is a generalisation of what a Weeble is:

And the second one is one that used their marketing ‘Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down’:

So any guy that’s married to a Weeble and fancies an hour or two with an ‘anorexic’ Midlands Maiden, feel free to call us and we’ll shag you till you fall down!

Some rather scathing remarks there from Lou-Lou, and you can understand it really – whoever heard of a ‘pimp‘ that gives his girls Goose Fair Week off because of perpetual traffic jams?

Whoever heard of a ‘pimp’ that insists that only the highest class of girls can join us and turns down 90% of applicants?

Whoever heard of a ‘pimp’ that pays his girls a guaranteed wage if they get no work?

Oh, and any sex with the girls is out of the window, as whoever heard of a ‘pimp’ that has severe heart problems?

A bit daft really, int it?

More likely, this commenter has either failed an interview or has a friend who has failed the interview before – we’ll keep digging on that one, and expect a full exposé if, and when we find out the truth behind ‘Sarah Louise.

Either that or it’s a rival agency, as we noticed only last night that someone tried to get into our Twitter account.

The problem with that scenario is that any social network will always ask for phone verification, a verification that we ignored last night.

We’re still interviewing, but not this week, please.

Anytime after this Monday when Goose Fair has gone home is when the interviews will resume.

Until then, Happy Holidays!

Published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by Steve and Lou-Lou the NEWS team.


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Decimation adviser for the Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts Agency

Comments (15)

  1. Thank you for this comprehensive and engaging article. Your clear and concise writing style makes it easy to follow along, even with more complex topics. I learned a lot from this post and will definitely be referring back to it in the future. Keep up the great work!

  2. What an excellent post! Reading it was really educational for me. You provided extremely well-organized material, and your explanations were both clear and brief. Your time and energy spent on this article’s research and writing are much appreciated. Anyone interested in this topic would surely benefit from this resource.

  3. This article was incredibly insightful! Your detailed explanations and well-organized content made it easy to follow along. I appreciate the practical examples you included, as they really helped to illustrate your points. Thank you for sharing such valuable information.

  4. Hi everyone!
    I’ve been promoted to admin to take care of this fuking weeble – comment coming up!

  5. Lol making a whole bullshite post about me all because I called out how biased ya’ll are, I also am not a weeble you all just have issues with confident women who aren’t anorexic ass kissers and the issues about race show on many of your other old waffling posts where you diss Romanians etc before you got the pretty mixed race girls. you also would not be able to find who I am lol so instead of spying and ranting catch up with the times, bigger woman are beautiful they probably would just be too much if Steve wanted some pimp action on his old face Lmao still shaming bigger sizes, go look for some more underage jailbaits to post

    1. First – it took us 5 mins to do this post. I just needed to find a couple of Weeble Videos.
      Second – youre confusing ‘confident’ with ‘controlling, manipulating psychotics’
      Fuck off back to Happy Paws where you can use dog leads.
      Thirdly – No clients want to see Romanians or fat bastards, so there’s no point in setting them on.
      Hope that helps you out!
      Love, Louise x

      1. Oh and by the way, Sarah Louise from Happy Paws – I’ve blacklisted your address so any more shite from you ends up in the bin!

  6. they confused me saying that about race for a moment.. remembered looking at the cute mixed girl here and seemed very fine, sure that youve noticed from the extra petit girl fun i have that i dont discriminate on races 😉 maybe for this commenter she thinks maybe below 250lb is anorexic.. delusionals seem to believe it 😀 only hire anorexic means she mad that you only hire if they fit through a 1 wide door lolll

    1. I think Ariz, that you need to leave it for 10 minutes or so until you reply, or attempt to reply. Otherwise your comment will be marked as ‘spam’ by our website.

        1. We’ve had a reply from the Weeble, but I’m going to leave it until Louise comes in later, to do some research on Instagram

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