We’ve been searching a few ‘woke’ ideologies and why political correctness is not welcome at Midlands Maidens. who are just an old-fashioned agency!
We’re also placing this post into the Secret Diary section to wind up any students who might have these ‘woke ideologies’ and to discuss why none of these ideologies have any place when confirming what our clients insist on when finding our ‘old-fashioned’ agency.
Looking at the ‘lead image’ above, a client wouldn’t know whether to shag one of them or to find out what’s hiding in its pants first.
And finally, an Australian Sex Worker is describing exactly what happens on an appointment with an escort.
So let’s get started!
Gender/Sexual Diversity
As per the title of this post, and its editorial, Midlands MaidensDOES NOT believe that any such diversities exist, and anyone who prefers to be identified as a pepperoni pizza can stay in their pizza box, rather than go out for appointments with our client base.
We know that MALES exist and that FEMALES exist, and we also know that GAYS exist and that LESBIANS exist, but any attempt to ‘fudge the figures’ by either chopping off your knob or throwing a knob where your clitoris was is purely an extreme way to try and prove that the x-x and x-y chromosomes were misallocated in the first place.
Should this last factor happen, the GIRL becomes a MAN and vice versa, though we’re guessing that any reproductive changes will stay as they are, meaning that the new GIRL and the new MAN will both be barren.
A couple or three gender-neutral pepperoni pizza boxes
For those unacquainted with the term ‘Syntax‘, it is NOT a term for paying tax on your shag.
Syntax is rather a term used to describe something or other that gender or sexual divergents prefer to be called.
So rather than calling them ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘they’, they prefer other terms, more in keeping with their diversities.
Midlands Maidens have no problems in calling gender or sexual diversities by various new terms such as ‘it’,’ that’ or ‘what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-that-idiot’ to describe any deviants that prefer not to be called ‘he’ or ‘she.
Would you like to pay syntax on they/it’s/that?
Back to Normality with a Video
As promised earlier, we will now show a video from an Australian escort who describes exactly what happens during an escort appointment.
The escort in question is JADEBLAIRXOX who in addition to having her YouTube channel, has an Instagram and OnlyFans too, so there’s plenty of stuff for you to research.
The clip that we’ve chosen for you is ‘Step by Step Guide to an Escort Booking’ which we feel will give you a deeper insight into what is needed if you fancy applying to join Midlands Maidens:
Provided that you’ve grown up, and you’d prefer to be identified as a ‘girl’ or a ‘woman’ rather than as an ‘it’,’ that’, or ‘them’ pepperoni pizza box, we look forward to meeting you at your interview!
When applying to join us, you should be punctual, charming, fluent in the English language, and be the perfect companion for all of our clients.
Ex-employees of two of the three emergency services,
Office workers,
Front-of-house zero-hours employees,
Delivery drivers,
…all of whom have given up on their previous chosen fields to come into this lucrative industry, as well as girls that are out of work and ‘girls least likely to succeed’.
All girls whether they are ex-police commissioners down to benefit claimants are treated in the same way when starting and will eventually find that new type of ‘buzzing’ in their new careers.
Here’s to your success, and we’ll look forward to inviting you onboard very soon!
Your article was well-organized and informative—great work!
logical 😀