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Maidenettes (1)

Maidenettes (1)

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Maidenettes (1)

Maidenettes (1) is the introduction to our new intake, the number in (brackets), states how many girls have reached the interview stage.

This time we are declaring girls as Maidenettes until they have a profile page set up on Midlands Maidens, rather than the older way of declaring them after they’ve had their photoshoot.

With us now concentrating more on ‘selfies’ rather than pro photoshoots, this seemed a more natural way to introduce them to you and will give you the opportunity as a client to book them before going onto the website.

You can rest assured that the interviews are just as strict as ever in order to uphold our high standards, and even if a girl interviews over the phone (a WhatsApp video call), they will still not be taken on at Midlands Maidens until we have arranged a meet-up.

So on to last night’s interview:

Interviewee – Eva

Location – Cinderhill

Time 7 pm

Eva arrived at the interview, at near enough 7 pm exactly – so no problems with punctuality.

She is a 28yr old 5’4″ blonde girl with blue/grey eyes, a dress size of 8-10 with a copious boobs size of 32FF, though she had dressed down for the interview so that the drinks didn’t get knocked over 🙂

Very classy and professional, Eva listened intently to our presentation, then asked a few subtle questions regarding the industry, and following this interchange she was taken on as our first Maidenette in five years, promising that her photos would be sent over as soon as possible.

A couple of phone calls then went out to a couple of our regular clients who knew that we were interviewing this evening, and the clients seemed really impressed that we had remembered them and had a chat with the real girl!

We are looking forward to representing Eva at Midlands Maidens, and she is available as a Maidenette from this evening!

Maidenettes (1) was originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the SECRET DIARY team.


Within a day and a half, Eva had proved herself to be totally unreliable and has now been removed from the Midlands Maidens staff list.

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