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Maidenettes 2 3 and 4

Maidenettes 2 3 and 4

Reading Time - 4 mins

Last Updated on Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Maidenettes 2 3 and 4

A three-way interview this week, featuring Maidenettes 2 3 and 4, but each of them turned out to be a waste of time.

The beauty of using this new system, whereby new girls are taken on as Maidenettes, allows us to see each girl’s attitude prior to sending them to visit clients, and this was a resounding success in seeing who was compatible, who was not, and who’s standards needed raising.

We’ll run through the interviews in reverse order:

The Interview Session:

Interview Location: Cinderhill Island.

Interviewees: Angelica, Georgina and Raye.

Interview time: 4 pm and 5 pm.

Raye was the last girl to arrive at 5 pm, and even though she was the least likely to succeed due to her phone being perpetually on ‘aeroplane mode’, it ended up with her showing the most promise of the three girls.

She was a British black girl, 27 years old, 5’7″ tall, dress size 10 with a bust size of 32D.

It was made quite clear to her that this was a self-employed position and that clients could come in at any time, but she still refused to budge on her minimal availability of four days in a couple of weeks, with a decision for any further days by appointment.

This was wholly unacceptable to a 24-hour escort agency, but this was an interview for a Maidenettes position so we were hoping that she would become more flexible following her trial period.

Angelica and Georgina arrived at 4 pm and both of them were incredibly naive to say that they’d confessed to doing this job before.

Angelica was 24 years old, English, 5’5″ tall, brunette and dress size 8-10 with a bust size of 32D.

Georgina was 23 years old, English, 5’4″ tall, redhead and dress size 6-8 with a bust size of 32B.

The thing that put us off with these last two girls (apart from them perpetually arguing and not listening) was the fact that they were wanting to use an ex-VIP Callgirls driver and had not informed us of this prior to the interview – Midlands Maidens usually insists on meeting any girls’ drivers to make sure that they know our security rules.

Nevertheless, all three applicants were taken on as our latest Maidenettes.

The De-Brief:

Petty cash took a bit of a hammering as six glasses of rosé wine followed by a bottle of the same, plus four meals were consumed.

Then came the first of the quirks from Angelica and Georgina:

They had originally said that they came from Basford , but this turned out to be the first of their lies as it appeared that they were actually from Broxtowe and Strelley.

This came about following the offer of a cab home, whereby yours truly would get dropped off first in Wollaton, followed by a trip to Basford, and ending up with a trip to Sneinton to drop off Raye.

Nevertheless, we ordered two cabs, one for Raye and one for myself, Angelica and Georgina, who could now alight first in Broxtowe and Strelley, with myself continuing to Wollaton.

The Acid Test:

The next morning at early doors (around 8.15 am) came the first possible appointment for one of the three new girls.

No answer from Angelica, who still insists that her phone was on when it obviously wasn’t, we hadn’t got Georgina’s number yet as she was ‘getting her phone back from the repair shop’ today, which didn’t really bother us as the appointment was in Carlton – just up the road from Raye.

However, a perpetual ‘line busy’ tone from Raye’s phone meant that we had to apologise to the customer for letting him down.

The Final Straws:

Raye was the first of the girls to send her photos over.

They were hardly appropriate for an escort agency but we thought ‘let her get on with it and get no work’.

In an email reply enquiring about the ‘line busy’ tone that we kept receiving this morning, she kept harping on about male supremacy and how I couldn’t stand that a strong-minded woman is now calling the shots.

Big mistake mi duck:

Raye’s offer of a position at Midlands Maidens was immediately rescinded, her email account blocked, and her phone number and WhatsApp account met the same fate, due to her possibly needing to go and see alpha males.

Georgina finally got a phone, but it wasn’t from the repair shop, it was from a ‘mate’, meaning that the lies from these last two girls were building up.

Following a couple of terrible photos taken at the interview being sent over by Angelica, they were told that their standards were embarrassingly poor, and to apply again when they’d pushed up the bar a little and stopped lying so much.

So endeth the fate of Maidenettes 2 3 and 4 – trust us, you really didn’t miss much!

It’s far better to rely on two proven girls that consistently achieve our high standards, than sending out two or three chavs that would ruin our client base.

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the SECRET DIARY team.

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