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Midlands Maidens are Back Home Again

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Last Updated on Monday, February 3, 2025

Midlands Maidens are Back Home Again

Our old hosting company no longer wanted to associate with an escort agency. This is how Midlands Maidens found its way home!

There is nothing like a techie post to brighten a damp February morning, so let’s begin!

Most of our regular visitors will have noticed that our site went down on January 2nd.

This was due to our host deciding that it no longer wanted to associate itself with an ‘Adult Website’, which of course, Midlands Maidens IS.

This is why we gave all of our staff an extra week off for their Christmas and New Year holidays.

So we were on the search again for a new host – and this time we wanted to stop this happening ever again by choosing one that specialised in hosting ‘porn‘ websites.

We’d noticed around five likely candidates, but the one we settled on was TMDHosting , which is located in the Wild West of America but can swap servers from America to the UK.

It should be mentioned here that while our websites were being loaded onto TMD, we noticed a web host that promised the earth and more, but in fact, they turned out to have even worse support than GoDaddy.

So we paid TMD for a month and went to check out Hostinger.

We ran our website from Hostinger for 4 days but then their support team kept coming up with more excuses than a GoDaddy wank-box as to why our website had slowed down by 11 seconds and refused to listen due to them using GTMetrix for big boys, rather than Google Pagespeed Insights or Web Page Test, all of which give far more accurate results than GTMetrix.

So we left Hostinger and got a refund for four years of cloud hosting, and re-pointed our nameservers back to TMD.

So now the hard work starts regarding the website.

This post is designed as an explanation to our visitors, we completed January’s Niche Monthly post only yesterday, and there will be a FashionLand post popping up this week plus the official February Niche Monthly.

Our website visitors MIGHT also need to ‘confirm subscriptions’ again to get new post announcements.

There’s no rest for the wicked, is there?

Published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.



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