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Wiped Out

Midlands Maidens Black Friday

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Last Updated on Sunday, February 2, 2025

Midlands Maidens Black Friday

As promised in the Christmas Updates post, our Midlands Maidens Black Friday offer is online starting today!

This Black Friday offer is to pacify our clients who may well be ‘feeling the pinch’ on their finances following Christmas and the New Year celebrations and the staff were unanimously in favour of rewinding our prices to the pre-holidays rate of £160 for the first hour and £100 for subsequent hours.

That being said, all of our staff members are wiped out following their holiday bookings and are spending today (Thursday) in bed!

A further option (at the owner’s and appointment takers’ discretion) is to rescind this offer to anyone that is appearing to be a fucking lying twat, where the £200 rates will still be active.

The Midlands Maidens Amnesty

This has been running since December 20th and has been set up to ‘let off’ any clients who have been prowling our staff’s various social media accounts.

All of our staff members have been forewarned of this practice and have been educated on how to avoid this and what to look out for.

Any further instances of poking their noses into our staff’s private lives will find clients permanently blacklisted, with no chance of further amnesties!

Web Pushing

It’s great to see so many of you subscribing to our new ‘Web Pushing ‘ system!

This was installed shortly after the Christmas Updates post when we found that none of the old Web Pushes were getting sent out.

This system is a real doddle to set up for computers and for iPhones and Androids too with no need to make fifteen different ‘apps’ to make them work.

It’s also a possibility that we can add more to our ‘subscribers page‘ now that it’s working again.

More news on that as it happens!

It just remains for us to wish you all a Happy New Year and we’ll look forward to seeing you next time!

Published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


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Comments (17)

  1. ‘That being said, all of our staff members are wiped out following their holiday bookings and are spending today (Thursday) in bed!’

    do you mean tuesday? or was this post delayed 😀
    thought of fucking enough to need day in bed makes me laugh x)

    1. Hi Ariz, it was delayed. No doubt you saw that the website was taken down on Tuesday morning.
      Taken down for inappropriate content.
      So we’ve had to go with a new host that seems a little more forgiving.
      However, strictly no kiddie pics.
      And the staff needed a rest after fucking most of Nottingham 🙂

      1. Hi admin, i didnt realize since most people here including me got virus over holiday x)
        Some hosts balk on porn and others dont care, hopefully theyll be hands off even if still too prudish for kiddie pics unfortunately 😉

        hope your staff’s various holes are recovered x)

        1. Ariz.
          Unfortunately, we’ve had to remove your content.
          It was flagged as being ‘possibly inappropriate until proven otherwise’.
          Obviously, if you can send the website together with its ‘Over 18’ disclaimers, we can show it to our new host and your content can be restored.

          1. thats a shame, what sort of disclaimer since its an upload site?


            this one says its only allowed legal images there, nothing else since its an upload site though

          2. Hi Ariz,

            I think that the case in point is:

            only allowed legal images

            Which means no under-age images or in our case,

            No images of girls who are, or appear to be under 18

            We get all of our jailbait galleries and videos from VK, where they are very strict about what what can be published.

          3. I always thought vk is a lil loose 😛

            It says ‘no illegal images’ on which seem to show what can be published. They’ve never deleted mine

          4. No there have been lots of accounts closed down recently for kiddie porn and the like.

            Our own Jailbait galleries only come from established VK accounts

          5. Thats a shame, that uploader i was using just say ‘no illegal images’. Guess it dont work as a disclaimer for:

            ‘Obviously, if you can send the website together with its ‘Over 18’ disclaimers, we can show it to our new host and your content can be restored.’


          6. Sadly Ariz, we’ve had to permanently delete your ‘over 18’ images so that we can re-open our website with our new hosts.

            We thought it was better to do that than run the risk of our staff losing their jobs.

            On the plus side, we’ll be releasing the January Niche Monthly later this week!

          7. thats a shame, thought would be ok since sandra posted anyway

            did any staff ever notice my posts x)

          8. I did, obviouslt Ariz but when the website went down early in January, yes, all of the staff noticed.

            At least it gave the girls a chance to have an extra week off!

      2. I always assumed you either never saw nor noticed the content of said “inappropriate” pics from Ariz. Do you support or enjoy those kinds of pics on the site then? I know it’s one of the main reasons I visit 😉 but I am curious the MMs stance, either personal or professional.

        1. Hi Yanky Doodle.
          In our professional stance we find most of these images a little near the knuckle.
          We’d also love to see where these ‘disclaimers on age’ come from.
          It nay well be that shortly we’ll have to delete everything to keep our business running.
          Recently we’ve changed hosts, so a couple of ‘snips’ would seem to be the easiest option.
          I’m now going to sleep on it and we’ll see what happens later!

          1. hope I can still fun to share 🙂 is all offsite anyway, and its lots of xtra hot content to enjoy additionally 😉

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