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Midlands Maidens Heartbreakers

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Last Updated on Friday, September 6, 2024

Midlands Maidens Heartbreakers

Apart from our three staff members being Midlands Maidens Heartbreakers, it’s time for the website owners to break a few hearts.

We are referring to the mass publication by our subscribers of under-age Jailbaits (the fact that they are under-age is the reason that this time, no galleries are being published) but the final straw came last night when video links were attempted to be published containing under-age (14-year-old) girls.

We are quite aware that we sometimes go a little ‘near the knuckle’. Still, at least in our own Jailbait Galleries for the Niche Monthly magazine, we always ensure that there is a disclaimer mentioning that ALL of the girls in the Jailbait Galleries are 18 years old, or older.

As it stands, we were also prepared to scrap ALL of the Jailbait Galleries completely as per a post that we published on Jailbait Search Terms but it was decided that the Jailbait Galleries would continue, as the disclaimer in the magazine posts is quite prominent.

By the time you read this, ALL of the under-age photos will have been removed and we’ll try and get back to normal in running a fully legal age escort agency.

Our profound apologies go out to those subscribers who submitted images but deleting these we felt was more important than our hosts closing us down for a few illegal Jailbaits.

Published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

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