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Midlands Maidens vs Russia

Midlands Maidens vs Russia

Reading Time - 1 mins

Last Updated on Saturday, September 21, 2024

Midlands Maidens vs Russia

The latest news from the Midlands Maidens vs Russia war is that a huge compromise has been reached. Read on for more news!

By ‘Russia‘ of course, we are referring to the Russian Social Networking website VK which at some point last week, stopped showing ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ arrows connected to their ‘Community Posts’, meaning that you needed to click onto the Community Post to see their images.

This was wholly unsatisfactory (in our opinion) and unbecoming of a Social Network like VK.

So with the help of the VK support team, ‘Lena Zazakova’ – one of the communities affected, and the VK developers all informed, we left it all in their hands, as a solution was promised.

On one of our daily visits to sniff out a few videos this morning, the fault had been repaired and the Community Posts ran normally again.

So even though we don’t know what half of them are on about, as VK is for a Russian-specific audience,

Мы хотели бы поблагодарить ВК и их разработчиков за решение по восстановлению их сайта.

. . . and long may the Midlands Maidens and VK alliance continue!

If you want to join us on VK and get your Google Translate app more work to help translate the VK website, feel free to join us over there!

Our @Handle over there is Midlands Maidens Nottingham so feel free to join and send a friend request

Published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

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