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Midlands Virgines

Midlands Virgines

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Sunday, February 18, 2024

Midlands Virgines

Why have we gone all Latin this time with Midlands Virgines? Quite simply, it’s all to do with our new translation module.

At the top of the website now (for the present anyway), we have a translation option, to which we have added a few languages, such as Chinese, Welsh, Polish, Ukranian, and many more that our website users might find useful.

We couldn’t resist adding a Latin translator though:

Midlands virgines Notingham Domini Mean‘ looks like we have a load of mean dominatrixes that are all virgins, and ‘escort agency’ translates into ‘Mondeo Agency‘, so those mean, virgin dominatrixes all drive around in Ford Mondeo’s with fluffy whips and ball-gags hanging from the windscreen 🙂

Midlands Virgines Post

Anyway, the translation module is there for anyone that wanted to use it, and will be of great help to Hindu, Afrikaans, Polish and Chinese viewers, just so long as you realise that the office staff will only take instructions in English.

The New ‘News’ Module:

Those of you who’s first stop on the website is the UK NEWS page, will no doubt have noticed the new news module in there, showing news from the BBC.

This is something that we’re just trying out at present with a view to expanding to sports news, business news, and many other aspects all from different publications, such as CNN, Fox News, and even Google News, turning the news page into a Midlands Maidens version of MSN.

We’re not for one minute suggesting that the news module will be presented by the girl in our photo, but we can all hope…

Naked Newsreader

Thanks for reading about our latest two toys, and we hope that you have much fun playing around with them!

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


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