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more girls wanted

More Girls Wanted!

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

More Girls Wanted!

We’re well into the World Cup now, and more girls are wanted for our customers, as only today we’ve needed to turn TEN clients away – on a Tuesday of all things – mental, int it?

So – read up on our various pointers scattered throughout the website, and if you reckon that YOU could be the next Midlands Maidens Superstar, get on over to the APPLICATION PAGE and apply to join us.

We’ve had a fair few time-wasters applying just lately, that have stolen another genuine girl’s meet-up slot, so if you’re not serious about doing this, please keep away – or apply somewhere else – as your messing about is another girl’s career at stake!

We would ideally like applications from more girls that are available for as long as possible – and that includes the weekends, where we have raised the prices for girls that are prepared to do this work.

If you’re a miss naughty two shoes that insist on going out at the weekends because that’s when your mates all go out and give it all away for free, then you’re probably not right for the Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escort Agency

If however your life is not ruled by the clock, and you’re prepared to get up at stupid o’clock to go and meet our clients, then that’s exactly the type of girl that will make money and gain a career at this game!

The minimum age for applicants must be 18 years old, but even then you must have a mature outlook when it comes to meeting our clients.

There is no maximum age, but be aware that age is not an excuse for not answering the phone if you’re called on to work.

If all, or most of the above applies to you, then we would like to meet you to discuss your prospects in becoming our latest staff member.

We have great wages, outstanding agency fees that are probably the lowest in the UK, and a great working environment that leads to more girls staying with us.

Sounds good? See you over at the APPLICATION PAGE!


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