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More Toys

More Toys (+18)

Reading Time - 3 mins

Last Updated on Tuesday, April 18, 2023

More Toys

We’ve were thinking of throwing the Age Gate onto this post about more toys as it gets rather indecent towards the end, but anyway here’s what’s been added to the website!

The first alteration is to the top menu, where the STATISTICS PAGE has been added under the CONTACT menu.

We felt that this was rather important to get sorted, as even though there are no images and profiles on this page, there are many references to:

  • popular posts,
  • online visitors,
  • Twitter ,
  • Facebook,
  • Instagram feeds, all of which would keep a regular visitor quite busy!

Next up comes a new search box.

We’ve actually tried using this one before, but it was deleted due to there being too much hassle to keep it running.

Re-installed this morning, we’ll reintroduce you to the ‘Enhanced by Google’ search box, which appears in the footer of most pages, and also on the statistics page and ‘AREAS‘ pages.

Though the Enhancement by Google search box will never replace a website search box such as the one we use from Relevanssi, we’ve made it so that anyone using the Google one has their search terms appear in an overlay which can be cleared in one click.

That’s all the hard work done, so now for the fun!

First up is this nice little ‘meme’ that was sent to us from a member of our ‘MEWE group‘ that had the office in stitches this morning:

Steves Cock Meme

And so onto the reason that we were thinking of adding the Age Gate to a post in Midlands Maidens News.

(We didn’t though, so feel free to join the girl in having a wank).

We mentioned earlier about more toys being added to the website, and apparently the biggest selling sex-toy during the lockdown restrictions has been the ‘Lovesense Vibrator‘ which comes in either a manual version, or is remote-controlled by anyone with the mobile phone app.

(Well we say ANYONE but it would be a short session for anyone using an iPhone wall hugger).

Here then is a short video from PornHub where someone is using the manual version of Lovesense whilst on a fishing trip:

We hope that you’ve enjoyed our post about more toys being added to the website and we look forward to seeing you next time!

Originally posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


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