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new menu items

New Menu Items

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

New Menu Items

We thought it was about time that we kept you in the loop regarding our new menu items, and a couple of other things you might need when navigating the Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts website.

Our aggressive caching system.

The caching system we use is more aggressive than an aggressive bee, finding itself trapped in a jam-jar and needing to be very aggressive to get free.

So yes, that’s quite aggressive then!

The best way to get out of this cache (which means you might see old content from yesterday) is to simply refresh your browser, by hitting the ‘refresh’ circles on most major browsers.

You can pull down the content to reveal the address bar and ‘refresh’ button on mobile. Finally, you can hit F5 on your pc browser to perform a hard refresh. (Dunno about a Mac, but there’s no doubt an equivalent to the F5 button on there).

The New Menu Items.

Well, there’s a couple actually, so we’ll go through them one by one.

Todays UK News (under the NEWS menu item) now concentrates on local news from the Nottingham Evening Post. We thought this might be more appropriate than using a country-wide version from the BBC, so we’ll see how it goes.

There is also a menu item now for our Music Box (under the same news item) under which you’ll find all the threads from this increasingly popular category.

A glance on the STATISTICS page shows that this type of post is being particularly well-received, so we thought it would be a good idea to give it it’s own spot.

That’s all for this ‘heads up’ item, and the girls with a lack of clothing and the songs will be back soon, though we did add a photo of a schoolgirl in tartan as a lead image. (what are we like?)


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