Ok, so we got new toys – so why aren’t the girls using them in our lead image?
Not those kind of toys I’m afraid, but the girls will be coming under scrutiny later on. This latest Statistics post will reveal all!
The New Toys
Regular visitors to the website will notice that we now have a digital clock, and a ticker-tape announcement thingy just under the main image.
The clock was essential so that we could guide visitors around the website and not get hoodwinked about what time it was. It took a bit of chopping and changing about, but the one in place now works excellently.
The ticker-tape is there to announce anything that’s added, removed or changed on the website. This post, for instance, will be added shortly after it’s published, so visitors can see all the news without needing to scroll down.
11,000 Page Views in One Day!
When not playing with the new toys, we got loads of visitors taking advantage of this month’s ‘pay-day‘ on the 28th.
This actually turned into a bit of a nightmare, as we only had two or three girls working (again) and we needed to put the phones on silent when it got to around a four-hour wait.
One of the girls parked up and wondering which client she wants to meet next
Texts and WhatsApp’s were completely ignored except regulars and those calls that DID get through met with the inevitable disappointment when they were told about the waiting times.
One for the pervs – one of our phone staff having to give out excuses on the phone whilst getting wanked
We can only apologise about this, but far from going out and picking up the nearest Forest Road floozy to send out, we obviously upheld our standards, which will pay off in the long run.
Join the Team!
As you can see from above, we are getting a little fed up of perpetually having to give out excuses, rather than send a girl over.
If you are over 18 (no maximum age limit), scrub up well, experienced or inexperienced, and are prepared to work when the customer wants to see you, then we want to hear from you.
Pop over to our EMPLOYMENT page, or straight over to the APPLICATION FORM and we reckon that you would be able to make a mint!
Just a quick comment here for those who read the WHOLE of the post rather than just stop at the totty – the photos in this post are in no way related to Midlands Maidens, though of course, the subjects are welcome to apply 🙂
Thanks for reading about our new toys, the page views, and our never-ending quest for a new fantasy girl, and we’ll see you next time!
Girls of Paradise caught our eye in a random Google search, and the whole scenario is rather a chilling one. Enjoy (!?!) reading our latest curated article.
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