We were wondering how to handle a Latina girl at the latest interview, as this was something we'd never come across since we opened back in 2006.
New Years Resolutions at Midlands Maidens
Reading Time - 2 mins
Last Updated on Tuesday, August 6, 2024
New Years Resolutions at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts
Right then, the first post of the New Year and an appropriate occasion to throw a couple of New Year’s resolutions into the bag – on photos and statistics.
First off, the photos one.
We’ve done news items on How to Save Photos, we’ve done one on How Not to Take Photos, and we’ve done an education item on How to Take a Photo Spread.
All of that lot should be getting you to work if you’ve applied at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts for a position on our staff list, but we can quite understand if you wanted to take it further and get a professional shoot done.
The problem that WE have though, is that girls can just be passing through, or they play on ‘selective hearing’, or they are simply not cut out for escorting work in the first place, meaning that the agency would be ‘out of pocket’ with a load of worthless professionally taken photos.
After a bit of a discussion, as the first of our new years resolutions, we have decided on the following –
Any girl joining Midlands Maidens is quite welcome to go for a photo-shoot, with a professional photographer, but this initial shoot would be AT HER OWN EXPENSE.
What we would then do is subtract the paid fee from the agency fees until a clean sheet is obtained, and the images will then be copyrighted by Midlands Maidens.
Our new years resolutions are to make this available for ALL girls, past present and future applicants that wanted a decent professional photoshoot to add to their portfolio, with no expense whatsoever to themselves.
We would insist on placing our facial blurs though if needed, so no cheating with coming down for an interview with Snapchat filters or a mass of tattoos!
The Statistics
Our new Statistics page is proving to be very popular and is nestling at somewhere between fourth and seventh in the ‘popular pages’ list.
After trying it out for a week, we are so impressed with the workings that in for the next of our new years resolutions, we’re going to start adding these stats to the odd news item, probably bi-weekly, to give you more of an informed catch-up with everything Midlands Maidens related.
It’s nice that this page has been so well received and viewed, and we’d like to thank ALL website visitors for coming to our little place on the interwebs and behaving so well.
We’d like to wish all our readers a Happy New Year, and as usual, it’s one of our main new years resolutions to make all your bookings be fantastic ones!
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