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observations and updates

Observations and Updates

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Observations and Updates

A few relevant observations have surfaced with the last GDPR post, which just confirms something we’ve been mulling over.

It appears from our first observations, that video news items grab tons of views in comparison to normal items – and the content of the videos, especially in a risque context – can pull viewers in by the bucket-load.

We’ve decided, therefore, to let you guys have a say in what we publish on SOME of the news items. We’re looking around for some decent ‘polling’ software that will allow you to cast a vote on future news items, as Twitter doesn’t seem to like risque polls from escort agencies. So bugger Twitter’s guidelines, we’ll run our polls!

So, a few facts from the last couple of weeks –

We’ve now had over half a million page views since we started keeping records, towards the end of last year. The real biggie though is the number of individual visitors, which is slowly creeping up towards 100,000. We’ve had many more visits and views, but this is just since we started keeping the records.

As already mentioned, the GDPR post from last week would seem to be the latest flavour of the month, purely because (we presume) of the video content in there, and is pushing the ‘Escorts’ page for the top spot.

Finally, you’ve probably noticed from our front page observations, that we are testing a new ‘Testimonials’ software, that can be used for both testimonials and reviews. The quick-nav menu on the front page has been amended to reflect this.

We’ve thrown a few ‘carousel’ type versions onto the individual ‘Areas‘ pages, and eventually, the reviews page will be swapped for this new version, as we think it looks uber-cool. We expect this process to be completed by the weekend.

That’s all for this time, and don’t forget to leave a review on the agency as a whole, or for an individual girl!


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