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Omicron Warning
Reading Time - 2 mins
Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Omicron Warning
Well, we did warn you that governments throughout the world were looking to fuck you up, and the Omicron Warning does just that.
Before we start this post, we would remind you that free speech still reigns in the UK, and even if you do not believe in our views, we would expect that you respect our rights to voice them.
As far as we are aware, the covid 19 virus has still not been isolated, no nurse, doctor or health professional can explain what’s in the covid 19 vaccine, though as the ‘virus’ has not been isolated, it cannot possibly be a small portion of the covid 19 virus.
If it HAD been isolated, there would be no need for ‘booster jabs’ so quickly after a double vaccination, no matter what ‘variation’ or strain of the virus had been ‘discovered?!?’ – for ‘discovered’ read the latest government manual on oppressing the population.
These poor fuckers using Twitter and Facebook handles of ‘double vaccinated’ in their titles will now have to add ‘and boosted for the omicron variant’ and we have heard that Twitter and Facebook will be selling extended handles just for this purpose.
The poor bastards using vaccine passports to get into nightclubs will now get them rescinded until boosters are applied, and of course, these ‘passports’ will eventually be charged for.
And what for exactly?
We’ve already explained in our CORONA VIRUS post, our CORONA VIRUS HOAX post, our SOCIAL DISTANCING post, and many other instances that coronavirus does not exist, and that this new ‘variant’ is just the winter flu.
All of us at Midlands Maidens are quite happily getting on with our lives following our yearly flu jabs, with not the slightest instance of coronavirus raising its head to kill us.
For those of you that are sick and tired of these perpetual yearly hoaxes designed to ruin your holidays, Midlands Maidens will be taking the high ground and staying open over the Christmas Holidays, but be prepared for a wait on Christmas day if you call at dinner time whilst the girls finish their turkey.
We’ll finish with a couple of themed videos now,
What are the new possibilities that I gain when having the vaccine?
And finally, we’ll listen to Boris and the Superspreaders with their Christmas Party song:
It just remains for us to wish you a very merry Christmas and many happy bookings.
Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.
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