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push notifications

Push Notifications at Midlands Maidens

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Push Notifications at Midlands Maidens

We really hate having to do things twice as it ties us up whilst more important things need doing. That’s why we’ve added push notifications to the website.

All visitors to the website will now see a push notification box at the top of their screen, asking if you would like to receive notifications from Midlands Maidens.

If you select ‘Allow’, you will receive notifications in your Windows notification box every time we publish a new blog post – in fact for those that have already subscribed, this will be your first notification!

If you select ‘Block’, or nothing at all, no push notifications will get sent over to you, meaning that you will get no updates from Midlands Maidens.

At present, these notifications are set up for Windows laptops and PCs only, but we are looking at adding Mac’s, iPhones and Android phones in the next few days.

The reasons for adding push notifications

This relatively new technology has obvious benefits over that of something like a Newsletter for instance, as no email needs to be added, or names declared.

Just a click on the ‘Allow’ button ensures that you will get all of our notifications.

It also means that we can retire the present Newsletter as your updates will appear almost immediately and we don’t get tied up by sending out a newsletter every Sunday night.

It also drags us quite firmly into the 21st century, as these types of notifications are becoming all the more popular with those websites that would prefer to send them rather than using Newsletter software.

Basic Requirements

First, you will need to make sure that your personal notifications are turned ON.

…and that’s really about it.

When we were trying out the notifications, we were wondering why they were showing as sent but not appearing on our computers.

Once we’d turned on the notifications, they worked excellently!

We hope that this information regarding the Midlands Maidens push notifications has been helpful to you, and enjoy the immediate access to our posts!


Notifications for Safari Browser (Mac) and mobile versions of the website should now all be working.

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

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