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Recruitment Drive 2020
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Last Updated on Sunday, August 18, 2024
Recruitment Drive 2020
Welcome to the Midlands Maidens Recruitment Drive 2020, where we try to give money away to girls wanting a career in the escorting industry.
No doubt many of the girls reading this will be thinking of the old adage:
if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
…and we would agree whole heartedly with you on that one.
There are very few girls that could come into this industry and make a fortune with no outlay.
We are looking however for those girls that WOULD be able to step straight into this industry and ‘hit the floor running’, achieving our high standards to give our clients an incredible experience straight off the bat.

We hope that you enjoyed our latest Recruitment Drive video, and that it will inspire you to put in whatever hours the client demands, and excel in all cases.
For those girls, please visit our APPLICATION FORM page and join up now!
For those of you that are still reading this post and wanted more information about this industry, whilst at the same time realising that to become a highly successful girl requires a lot of work, please read on.
For those girls that want a kebab instead, please try again next year.
Recruitment Drive 2020 Your Image
The first thing that a client will notice WITHOUT EXCEPTION when you arrive, will be your image and how you portray yourself.
Our clients are fortunate in that any girl we send over to an appointment have been picked from their gallery photos on the website, and not some ‘ringer’ as so often used by other agencies.
Graceful photos of girls on marble staircases and with boudoir screens, masking the fact that they are either 20 stone lumps or 5 stone junkies with horrendous tattoos fool no-one.
To appear on Midlands Maidens, you could either send over a professional photo set, or as many of the girls do, just use ‘selfies’ instead.
A professional photo set would initially require for YOU to pay for them, but we would then reimburse you for these via your ‘agency fees’, which would mean that when paid for, we would own the copyright to them.
This has become essential, as too many girls were becoming unavailable and disappearing, meaning that we’d just shelled out ‘dead money’.
The other alternative is to use a ‘selfie’ set which is becoming increasingly popular with our girls.
You (or a friend) could take a set of photos that could then be sent over to us for inclusion in your Midlands Maidens gallery page.
The way we would then work it, is that WE would apply any requested facial blurs (for both pro shoots and selfies) but WE WOULD NOT mask any tattoos that you have, due to our ‘total transparency to the client’ promise.
We would then return them to you for your approval before publishing to the website.
Recruitment Drive 2020 Your Punctuality
Punctuality in a lot of ways is even more important that your image, as if you aren’t even there yet all the client is going to do is phone us up and ask where you are!
This is why every new prospective Maiden is allotted an interview time that she MUST try to adhere to.
On the application form, there is a space where you can give us alternate times to give you a call-back, when provided that you have satisfied us with your phone manner, we will be offering you an interview.
Please treat this interview as if you were going for any other job, as though the content of the interview might be a little more spicy than for a position on a Tesco checkout, it is just that – an INTERVIEW .
Your New Career
So you’ve nailed the Recruitment Drive 2020 interview, your image is astounding, and you’re ready to go, so what next?
Well we can ADVISE our clients that the latest good thing has been taken on, but the vast majority won’t even notice if there are no photos of you on the website, so the first thing to do is get the images sent over.
As mentioned earlier we can accept professional photos OR selfies, and we will work our magic, and then forward them back to you for your approval.
A quick comment here for a few of the applicants:
It makes no difference if you’ve worked in this industry before, or are brand new to it – all applications are treated with the same merits.
Just because you’re an ex-porn star with a myriad of dildos and whips does NOT mean that you’ll get the nod over a sweet little girl-next-door teenager, as if you lose your rag on the phone, or via your photos, or via your demeanour, you are no good to Midlands Maidens.
Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts will only ever work with the best girls that play by the simplest and most straightforward rules for safety and health issues, which has given our agency its ‘elite’ status amongst our customers and other agencies UK-wide.
We look forward to receiving your applications and welcoming you to Midlands Maidens!
Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.
Recruitment Drive 2020 video by Lumen5.com
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