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Reliability Girls

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Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Reliability Girls

Due to a massive swathe of appointments coming in, we need girls with proven reliability to bolster up our ranks at Midlands Maidens.

First, of course, we’d better define what we mean by ‘reliable’.

We always state at every interview that we do not use rota systems, preferring instead to let anyone working with us to come and go as they please.

We believe that anyone working as a self-employed escort deserves this right, and in this way will be able to boost up their earnings as much as they wanted without being restricted by the aforementioned rotas.

There is a slight downside to this method of working though, in that a lot of girls simply cannot be bothered after coming down for the interview to get their stall in order, and actually go out to meet their new clients.

What we need then, are girls that will come down for the interview, pass it with flying colours, and then go out and meet their new clients, giving an excellent performance, and can take whatever we throw at them.

This does not mean that we take any old crap for bookings:

Far from it, as we often joke at the interview that it is harder to get a booking at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts than it is to pass the interview to join us.

We have an ever-growing client-base of classy clients coming back to us, and the reason that we need the reliability from our girls is so that we can feed them with cream-cake anytime they call us.

It is no good whatsoever if you are:

  • Sometimes available if you can be bothered
  • Sometimes available unless it’s the weekend
  • Sometimes available but why haven’t you rang to give me 4 hours notice?
  • I’m on my period most weekends

Girls that can cross all of the above from their list and actually do some work without us having to plead with them to go out and earn some cash will always be better staff members than those who simply cannot be arsed, and will see the benefits from our client-base.

As a reminder, we present now our latest recruitment video for you to watch and ponder over whilst you’re filling in the application form:

We are starting to retrieve applications for our interview process again from Monday (13th July) though we won’t be offering any interviews on that date as we’re highly superstitious and wouldn’t want to put the kybosh on your application.

Remember we’re offering a full-blown CAREER here that won’t by anyone’s means be to everybody’s taste, but for those girls that pass the interview and show the required reliability factor in their work ethics, then the world will be their oyster!

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.

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