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Secret Standards

Secret Standards

Reading Time - 6 mins

Last Updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Secret Standards

We’d like to publish a few Secret Standards that potential staff applicants need when applying to join Midlands Maidens.

This will be quite a long post, as most applicants try to take shortcuts when attempting to join us.

This past year, we have had SIX new Maidens, FIVE agency hopper raiders, and THIRTY-EIGHT applicants whose standards let them down.

Included in those six new Maidens, we had one junkie (who will not be returning to us), one girl that thought she was better than everybody else and left to join AdultWork , where she is trying her hardest to remove her negative reviews (who will not be invited to return) and one girl that was covered in tattoos but kept them well hidden at her interview (will not be returning).

The three girls that WILL be allowed to return – one that was having child-care problems, one that was having problems with her child’s school, and one that made enough in three months to put down a deposit on a house in Derbyshire are welcome to re-apply at any time.

The agency hopper raiders are usually easy to spot whether the interview is 30 minutes or 4 hours long, and this type of girl is purely after our client list to pass on to the other agency.

So it’s indeed the STANDARDS thing that is the most difficult to spot, and if one or two girls get through that are LOWER than the highest standards that we require, it will be up to our customers who will point this out to us.

We will now show the first of our curated posts this time from 2016, where a client shows why he prefers escorts to a real girlfriend:

I’ve said this over a dozen times already, yet too many people are too delusional to analyze this.


Source: Reasons Why I Choose Escorts Over A Real Girlfriend

One of the main reasons that we need to highlight high standards is the GUARANTEED WAGE that we now offer to all applicants.

We’ve had our fingers burnt once before on this with the girl who hid her tattoos on her interview, who used to call us once a month for her guaranteed wage.

It’s not just with tattoos though, as the girl with tattoos actually had high standards – it’s just that most customers shunned her as soon as they saw her photos, giving her no option to put her high standards to the test.

We’ll now show the second and final of our curated posts for this time, in which four girls, one from the UK discuss their take-home pay for escorting:

Four women reveal their take-home salaries and what finances really look like as a call girl in 2018. Learn more about their hourly and weekly take here.

Reasons 2

Source: How Much Do Escorts Make: 4 Sex Workers Tell All

The above two curated posts might LOOK old and out of date, but in the escorting industry, 3-5-8 years is practically nothing for the oldest industry in the world.

Girls with the highest standards will already have the tools of their trade and just need to add a bit of lippy and the occasional new dress and shoes to top themselves up.

So now we come to the latest Midlands Maidens Recruitment Video, the older ones of which can be found on our FUTURE ECHOES page:


Relevant Research Pages:

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