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strange search terms

Strange Search Terms

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Thursday, April 11, 2024

Strange Search Terms

Evermore curious about the search terms that are coming up on our website, we thought we’d do a little investigating. More on that later, with a few photos and a video thrown in for you, but first – our new blog layout.

We’ve been working on the blog layout for a while now, wanting to make it more visual whilst still taking you to the original items.

On a more technical side, we also wanted the items to be ‘pages’ rather than just ‘blog categories’, which we needed help from Rohan at WPB to set up.

After much pulling out of hair, our first (and hopefully final) draft of this was published yesterday. The posts menu now takes a second or two to load up, but all good things are worth waiting a few seconds for!

New Blog Categories List:

We particularly like the new ‘visual menu‘ inside the new news section, where you can ‘click on a girl’ to take you to your new page. Excellent work from everyone concerned and we hope you like it too!

The New Search Terms

We always find it a little intriguing when new search terms pop up that we haven’t a clue what it’s about.

We can guess immediately what is being searched for as regards escorts, areas, ‘Hookers in Mansfield’ (only in Mansfield, eh lads), the last of which tells us that someone in Mansfield is looking for a cheap punt.

The search terms that had us intrigued though was ‘Hayley marie coppins flashing stocking tops’. Following a quick Google search (horribly mundane job, this is) we came up with the following gallery of photos from British Babe Galleries:

Yep, it seems that Hayley is a bit of an exhibitionist, and also does videos for WIN (wank it now) which can be found on all the good porn sites.

Here’s Hayley doing a stint as a weather-girl on WIN. God knows how much it costs to press the green and red buttons, but here’s the complete show. (remember to have your ad-blocker running!)


So the mysterious search terms curiosity has been solved. Hayley Marie Coppin is a softcore porn actress, who would seem to be a wonderful addition to anyone’s wanking collection.

Could YOU be an escort that provides an exhibitionism service like our own Janine at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts?

If you reckon you could handle it, we’d love to hear from you. Click onto the Application Form and JOIN US NOW!

Did you find a video that is no longer working?

Let us know by mentioning it on our SUGGESTIONS PAGE (opens in a new tab) and we’ll try and find a replacement.


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