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Stumbleupon Review

Stumbleupon – Social Network Review

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Stumbleupon – Social Network Review

We’d like to introduce you to Stumbleupon, which is the latest option by which you can ‘connect with us’ on our social media platforms in the footer area.

Ok, so what is this Stumbleupon icon thingy, and why does it just take me to a blank page when I click on it? What use is a blank page and why would I want that?

You’re not on your own when asking these questions, as that’s just how we felt. But another thing we noticed was that every time we published a new news item, there was a massive influx from Stumbleupon so we thought that it merited a further look.

First thing you’ll need to do is create an account over there at – we used email to sign up, but you can choose the option to sign up through Facebook or Google+ too. At this point, if you never did anything else, clicking onto the ‘connect with us’ Stumbleupon icon in the Midlands Maidens footer will take you to our posts and pages that we have saved. You will also note that most of these pages were only added last night, as that’s when we started to discover what the crack was!

Stumbleupon is like a content curation come search come discovery engine website – a little like Tumblr – but the main difference is that you choose your own ‘interests’ and you will get taken to a new – REAL – website every time you click on the orange STUMBLE button. You can then either ‘upvote’ or ‘downvote’ or ‘leave alone’ the website that is showing, and this will tell the engine that the content is relevant – or not relevant to what you wanted to see. Compare this to Google, which just shows a list of what it presumes is ‘relevant’ – Stumbleupon shows the complete website/webpage for you to decide for yourself the relevance!

We hope that we’ve intrigued you enough to try this discovery engine out, and if we have – we’ll maybe see you over there!

Stumbleupon – Social Network Review was originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts


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