To all of those jobseekers out there, we would like to present to you, the Midlands Maidens Summer Recruitment 2023 video.
We descended into one of our most creative and darker modes when producing this video – a video that would definitely have not passed the YouTube ‘no sexual gratification allowed’ rule, and so along with three boxes of wet wipes for our staff, we decided to publish exclusively on the website.
A brief synopsis:
The first short part is akin to the old ‘video pirating’ adverts that still run on all videos today, showing you things that you MUST NOT DO.
The second part is the recruitment section, which shows all of the types of girls that we would like to apply for positions at Midlands Maidens. The soundtrack for this section is the Angelic ‘Chevaliers de Sangreal’ from the ‘Da Vinci Code‘.
The third part is where you’ll need your wet wipes and Fleshlights as we travel into the world of domination, deprivation and snuff with Marilyn Manson performing Para-Noir as the soundtrack.
The whole video is twelve minutes long and encapsulates perfectly a mix between angels and demons that is NOT ESSENTIAL for future staff applicants to do (but if they’ve got the balls, that’s ok too)
Without further ado, here’s the Summer Recruitment 2023 video:
Ex-employees of two of the three emergency services,
Office workers,
Front-of-house zero-hours employees,
Delivery drivers,
…all of whom have given up on their previous chosen fields to come into this lucrative industry, as well as girls that are out of work and ‘girls least likely to succeed’.
All girls whether they are ex-police commissioners down to ex-benefit claimants are treated in exactly the same way when starting out and will eventually find that new type of ‘buzzing’ in their new careers.
Here’s to your success, and we’ll look forward to inviting you onboard very soon!
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