500 Not Out
Right after the ‘Unknown White Skirt’ FashionLand post, we noticed it was the 500th post, so we’re now batting on 500 not out!
Right after the ‘Unknown White Skirt’ FashionLand post, we noticed it was the 500th post, so we’re now batting on 500 not out!
It’s time for the 2023 Christmas Playlist from the Midlands Maidens Music Box, featuring scantily clad girls jigging about to rock songs.
It’s time to announce our 2023 Christmas opening times for anyone who fancies an extra present at Midlands Maidens.
We thought that we’d give you an early Christmas Present with a new video created by Midlands Maidens – The Sandra Orlow Finale.
It’s time for our last jobs video of the year, and we are proud to introduce our Winter Recruitment 2023 video.
We’ve saved this one until February 14th so that LouLou can write about a Valentine’s Day horror story for you.
With a band as notorious as Die Antwoord, it was obvious we were going to be adding a Die Antwoord playlist at some point.
We decided to go over to Norway for this years Christmas advert, which is titled ‘When Harry Met Santa’.
We’ve given all the Jailbait a month off to open their pressies as we turn the Niche Monthly Christmas Special 2021 into Disney videos.
Where would we be without a Disney film for Christmas? Enjoy our versions of Disney 101 Specials that are guaranteed to keep you watching!
Well what a mess it’s been this year, but we’ll do our best to give you some yuletide cheer with our Christmas trimmings for 2020.
We only found this video a couple of weeks back, and we thought the ‘Dirty Princess Tour’ would make a great Music Box post for Christmas.
We’ve been hanging on… and hanging on… but still no worthy contenders for the Christmas TV ads this year – they’re all rubbish.
Where would we be without a little bit of a heartbeaking advert for Christmas? The Childrens Hospice Christmas advert for this year takes care of that.
This year we’ve decided to go with the Boots Christmas Video which is a mini-masterpiece of staging and acting by various actors throughout the years.