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Semargl - Tak Kurwa Lead Image

Tak Kurwa

Reading Time - 2 mins

Last Updated on Sunday, August 20, 2023

Tak Kurwa

This time, we’ve got a Ukrainian black satanic death metal band for you – Semargl playing their song Tak Kurwa.

First off though, our usual disclaimer:

All of the artists, performers and models in this post have nothing whatsoever to do with Midlands Maidens, and the images and videos contained herein were all freely discovered on the internet.

With that out of the way, we’ll get onto the song.

Tak, Kurwa, TakTak, Kurwa, TakI eat your flesh,I drink your wine,You smell so …

This video is uncensored and includes lesbian eroticism and gratuitous nipple shots.

It’s also ‘uncensored’ on YouTube , but somehow, whenever the lesbian eroticism and nipple shots start to happen, the camera pans back to the band.

The version that we have for you in the Music Box is downloaded from Vimeo  and uploaded to our own server so that you can see the full uncensored version!

As mentioned earlier, Tak Kurwa is a black satanic death metal song, but if you listen closely, you’ll hear that the female background vocals in the chorus sound very much like they were influenced by the Sisters Of Mercy’s Temple of Love.

This last song has been added to the ‘Relevant Links’ section below so that you can compare them.

What does the title of the song mean, as I don’t speak Ukrainian?

Running the title through a translator, we found out that:

Tak – means Yes

and also that

Kurwa – means Whore.

The band have stated that they wrote this song for their Polish fans, so Witaj Polsko and let’s hear the song:


We hope that you’ve enjoyed our journey into Ukrainian satanic death metal this time in the Music Box, and join us next time for more girly metal, or girls doing things in metal songs.

Originally published by Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts and the MUSIC BOX team.

Lead Image from:

Relevant Links:


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