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That Old Decimation Again

That Old Decimation Again

Reading Time - 3 mins

Last Updated on Friday, September 1, 2023

That Old Decimation Again

It’s looking like that old decimation, again has raised its eyebrows, as two long-standing girls are removed from the staff list.

The girls will have both been removed from the website by the time you read this, but what were they removed for?

Read on, and find out!

Milla is the first casualty due to her unavailability to approach any appointments due to her lack of childcare arrangements.

Whilst we can all agree that childcare can be a major problem, we can also agree that when working for an escort agency and not being available for six and a half days out of every seven, is also a major problem.

Milla leaves with our best wishes and is welcome to apply again when she’s got something worked out that lets her accomplish more appointments.

Milla 06

Cleo is the final casualty of this round of decimations, and the circumstances couldn’t be any more different than those of Milla.

Joining Midlands Maidens in the full knowledge that we now promote ourselves as a Drug-Free Agency, she insisted that she’d given up the cocaine and had now gone straight.

Claiming that she had lost her phone at the address of a client however told a different story, as he refused to give it back until she gave him £200 for her drug money.

We decided to get the police involved, which didn’t impress Cleo at all, and we’ve left it a couple of months whilst the police sorted it out.

How can you tell when Cleo is lying?

You can see her lips moving.

Cleo therefore leaves Midlands Maidens under a cloud and with no use of an umbrella from us.


Our farewell to Milla and a final goodbye to Cleo:

Could YOU replace Milla and Cleo?

To apply to join our team of elite escort girls:

  • Give us a call at 07983-910-208
  • Visit the ESCORTS JOBS page and fill in an application form
  • Apply via WhatsApp by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.

What you will get when successfully applying for a staff position at Midlands Maidens:

  • Big cash rewards
  • Midlands Maidens GUARANTEED wage
  • Total discretion
  • Choose your own hours to work (within reason)
  • We manage all your bookings and advertising
  • Advertised on a professional website
  • Faces blurred (at your request) to protect your anonymity
  • No upfront costs, payments made directly to you, on or prior to your appointments
  • Security procedures in place
  • Friendly approachable management
  • Extensive knowledge of the industry
  • Fantastic clients
  • Great earning potential
  • Drug-free agency

Previous successful applicants have included:

  • Ex-employees of two of the three emergency services,
  • Secretaries,
  • Office workers,
  • Students,
  • Athletes,
  • Front-of-house zero-hours employees,
  • Delivery drivers,

…all of whom have given up on their previous chosen fields to come into this lucrative industry, as well as girls that are out of work and ‘girls least likely to succeed’.

All girls whether they are ex-police commissioners down to benefit claimants are treated in exactly the same way when starting out and will eventually find that new type of ‘buzzing’ in their new careers.

Here’s to your success, and we’ll look forward to inviting you onboard very soon!

Originally published on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS and SECRET DIARY teams.


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