We’re now edging into the arse-end of 2022, so we’re giving you a preview of our Winter Recruitment 2023 video that’s already been banned.
Your video has been removed due to inappropriate content and nudity that might induce self-gratification
…said YouTube, though as there is no nudity in the video, we’ve put it down to the soundtrack that we decided to use.
So for the second time this year, the video is exclusive to the Midlands Maidens Label!
The music in the video is by ‘The Sensational Alex Harvey Band’ and is the third track on their ‘NEXT‘ album, Faith Healer.
The imagery in the video comes from a you-tuber named DAPA who funnily enough HASN’T had any of his videos banned, probably because he uses timid and twerky soundtracks rather than our more intense choices.
On the whole though, we would have to disagree with that statement.
The girls in the video are pointing out everything that our staff applicants might be requested to do should any circumstances arise, but just because they might appear does NOT mean that our girls MUST concede to do them.
Midlands Maidens ‘Heal the Faith’ Winter Recruitment 2023:
We hope that you enjoyed our latest recruitment video and that we didn’t milk you dry of your self-gratification whilst you were watching it 🙂
For those GIRLS that wanted to give us a try – and remember that all staff get a guaranteed wage, just in case you’re not sure about all of this – you can either visit our JOBS page, apply via a phone call, or apply via WhatsApp for more information.
or Rita, Sue and Bobby Jo too - after a weekend where we needed to turn away 22 clients, we are desperately seeking Susan to join us at Midlands Maidens.
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