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Witches Choreography Stripdance

Reading Time - 1 mins

Last Updated on Monday, August 21, 2023

Witches Choreography Stripdance

One of our first suggestions from the new suggestions page was for a stripdance, and who are we to argue with that?

So what do we choose?

Strippers doing lap dances and running up and down poles? Nope.

Sticky Vicky pulling a light bulb out of her fanny? Nope.

Funnily enough, the stripdance we’ve chosen is from the Ukrainian Dance Federation , who are probably one of the few sections of Ukrania that don’t involve ‘website hacking’ amongst their interests.

Set to a backdrop of Ciara singing ‘Paint it Black’ by The Rolling Stones, the imagery is really vivid complete with magic blue flowers, and of course the girls getting off a lot of their kit in the process.

To Get You in the Mood

First though to get you in the mood, we take you to the ‘Jazz Club’ to view their own version of Jazz Dance. This features a dance band called ‘Thrusk’ who go entirely opposite to what dance should be.

Ah well, it’s jazz int it?

So now on to the Main event.

Enjoy the Witches Choreography Ensemble performing ‘Paint it Black’, originally by the Rolling Stones, and performed on this occasion by Ciara.

This Music Box feature was suggested by Phil, and thank you Phil for introducing people to stripdance!

This post was originally featured on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the Music Box team.

Did you find a video that is no longer working?

Let us know by mentioning it on our SUGGESTIONS PAGE (opens in a new tab) and we’ll try and find a replacement.


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