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Working as a Nottingham Escort – 6 Tips From Midlands Maidens

Reading Time - 10 mins

Last Updated on Monday, October 21, 2024

Working as a Nottingham Escort – 6 Tips From Midlands Maidens

Direct from the horses mouth, here are the main 6 tips for working as a Nottingham companion with the Midlands Maidens agency.

This should be quite a long post, as just lately we’ve had some right rabble applying – girls that wouldn’t even command 200 pence, let alone 200 pounds for an appointment – so it’s been split into six sections:


2) Use Realistic Images

3) Work Out Your Availability

4) Choose a Realistic Skill Set

5) Choose a Reputable Agency


Without further ado, we’ll get started!

When Working as a Nottingham Escort – BE PUNCTUAL

As with any job where you are employed, punctuality is a must – and nowhere is this more important than when working as a Nottingham escort for an escort agency.

Clients and customers (your employers) expect nothing less than your punctual attendance, as they might need to be somewhere else – a business meeting, back to work, a dinner date with the wife etc in an hour or two.

For this reason, we hold with the old adage ‘time is money’, and even though you might assume that the client’s pockets are packed with endless wads, his time – and yours – is precious if you are to perform in an unhurried manner.

We will always tell the client that you will be with him within the hour, so it’s neither use nor ornament if you need to stop off at the shops on the way for a sandwich, a couple of drinks for later, or condoms.

Your initial meet up with Midlands Maidens is designed to assess your punctuality, and anything more than 10 minutes lateness, or even a no-show, is frowned upon and might lead to you failing before even a word is uttered.

If you went for a job at ASDA stacking shelves, you would be passed over until the end of the interview session when all of those that turned up on time would be seen first – then you MIGHT be seen, but your credibility would lie in tatters.

BE PUNCTUAL is written in capital letters for a reason, and now you know why!

When Working as a Nottingham Escort – Use Realistic Images (gallery)

The thing we most get asked here at Midlands Maidens is: ‘she looks nice, but you can’t see her face?’

We can appreciate that many girls applying for escort jobs would like a facial blur – which we always go along with if requested.

One thing we WON’T do however is lie to clients about any tattoos that the girl might have, and these will ALWAYS go ‘full face’.

With this section being called ‘realistic images’ though, we thought we’d elaborate.

Consider the following number of photos sent over to us from the Secret Diary section:

ALL of the above photographic mistakes were sniffed out as time-wasters within two minutes of us opening their applications.

Amongst them, we have a very successful escort in London, a couple of genuine independent Nottingham Escorts, and girls using Snapchat filters, which we always throw in the bin, or pin them up to laugh at anyway.

These are by no means ALL of the awful photos we’ve received – just a random selection of the worst ones, that we are presuming our clients will be eternally grateful to us for not taking them on and sending them out.

This is why we prefer ‘selfie ‘ photos every day so that we can see the girl’s style, her innocence, and most importantly her reality in just a few pictures.

Working as a Nottingham escort, no doubt you’ll be meeting a few of these ‘no-hopers’ on your travels – especially when travelling through the red light district or standing outside having a fag when they’re working at local brothels.

Imagery is everything at Midlands Maidens, and the more realistic you keep it, the more our clients will appreciate you.

Work Out Your Availability

It’s of no use to anyone if you say that you’re going to be available 24/7, and then we try to call you and you’re at work, or picking the kids up, or you’ve gone incognito via a selective hearing complex.

Midlands Maidens does not use a rota system, so it is imperative that if you’re NOT available, you should let us know by sending a message over to the office so that we can tell clients that you are not available.

When working as a Nottingham escort, all girls are told from the outset that if you are NOT going to be available through work commitments, or through childminding, or through having periods, just let us know via a text message and you won’t be put forward.

Girls not being available through selective hearing deficiencies, or having periods on every Saturday night so that they can go out on the piss, are really easy to suss out – and they will find out really quickly how fragile their position at Midlands Maidens really is.

Choose a Realistic Skill Set

When working as a Nottingham Escort, your ‘skill set’ will surmise with the ‘services’ that you enjoy doing.

In addition to being a social worker, a companion and a psychoanalyst, your services will be one of the first things that a client checks out – and Midlands Maidens is completely open about this should you get a profile page on the website.

Your skillset should not come about because you are being ‘pimped’ into doing this, nor should it be because you need it to feed your next chemical hit – it should come about because you genuinely enjoy your services.

Therefore – if you are NOT a lesbian that takes it up the arse, whilst being tied up and used by a fucking machine – like the girls on other dubious escort websites do 🙂 – you will not be advertised as having those skills.

Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts always asks four simple questions on their interviews that require an honest answer – questions that we ourselves have been asked by clients looking for girls.

If you really don’t like doing one or two of the services we ask about, just tell us and you will not be advertised as enjoying them.

With honesty being the best policy here, you will never be offered to a client that is looking for a different skill set to the one you have outlined – and even if you speak to a client who then wants a different skill set, you can always turn it down on the phone call.

Choose a Reputable Agency (video)


When working as a Nottingham escort, you have two choices – independent or agency.

We, of course, come down on the side of ‘agency’, but there are a few particular reasons that ensure an agency worker with Midlands Maidens will come out better off than an independent girl.

This is what makes Midlands Maidens your primary choice:

  • You will NEVER get sent to a booking that you are not happy with – guaranteed!
  • Agency fees (or the agency ‘cut’) is only 10%-20% of your earnings – guaranteed!
  • We only use photos that have been proofed by you – guaranteed!

And finally but most importantly –

Ok sure, but all the agencies say that, don’t they?

Sure they SAY that, but they don’t really mean it.

Let’s compare the above statements with other East Midlands and UK agencies in general:

  • You will NEVER get sent to a booking that you are not happy with.

Midlands Maidens promise the client a courtesy call from the girl prior to the appointment taking place, and to the best of our knowledge, we are the only escort agency that offers this.

This courtesy call is plainly refused by other agencies, as they are paranoid about the girl ‘stealing’ the number and using it at their own future convenience.

The problem with this attitude is that you can never find out what the agency has put you out as until you turn up and meet the client – who may then turn you away for being the wrong race, or colour, or having a different skill set to what he had originally asked for.

The Midlands Maidens courtesy call is designed to alleviate any such pressure on the girl and client alike so that no such uncertainty will ever arise.

  • Agency fees (or the agency ‘cut’) is only 10%-20% of your earnings.

Working as a Nottingham escort with Midlands Maidens has many benefits, but the most lucrative is our ‘agency cut’ of only 10%-20%.

This also ensures that the client will have no chance in ‘undercutting’ the agency prices – if he tries he’ll either get laughed at, or he’ll get banned from using us again, or both.

Consider though an agency that charges much higher fees of 30%, or 50%, or even 80% in one case.

Of course, the girl is going to be open to ‘undercutting’ and quite frankly, we don’t blame her in the slightest.

Paying in of agency fees can also be problematic – at Midlands Maidens, we have a very simple process whereby you can pay in almost immediately provided you have a credit card or a bank account that does bank transfers, or we take payments in person.

We do not come around and put your windows through if you are a day late in paying (as we have heard from the girls at one wannabee gangsta agency), but you will not be eligible for future bookings until paid up.

  • We only use photos that have been proofed by you.

A very important point in the client getting a call from the girl, is that he has already seen her images on the website and is getting a call – from that exact girl – who he has seen.

So many times we get asked ‘is that the real girl?’ – when we reply of course it is – purely because the client has been stung by a previous bait & switch from elsewhere.

When working as a Nottingham Escort at Midlands Maidens, we take the best photos sent over by yourself, add any facial blurs, and then send them back to you for your approval. Only when they are edited to our mutual satisfaction do we put them live on the website.

We have had girls coming down for interview from other dubious agencies that say ‘I’m all the blonde girls with’ – and – ‘what do you need photos for, never needed them?’

To that, we just point out the bait & switch factor from above, and that less scrupulous agencies than Midlands Maidens are just after openly stealing from clients.

  • Midlands Maidens respects their staff – guaranteed!

When working as a Nottingham Escort for Midlands Maidens, in ALL cases, it’s the girl who takes the final decision on whether a booking goes ahead – we feel that we owe the girls that much.

We are big on feminine intuition here at Midlands Maidens, and if the girl comes back to us with something not seeming ‘right’ following her phone call, we have no problems in pulling the booking.

We also take the stance that ‘it’s the girls who do the work, so it should be the girls who get the lion’s share’ when it comes to agency fees, and this is accentuated in our minimal agency fees outlined above.

All we ask is that clients and customers respect our staff just as much as we do!


Provided that all of the simple rules above have been followed, this final section should come naturally.

You should be now enjoying a pimp-less, traffic-less, well-paid position at Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts.

We would say though that you should ALWAYS be in control on your appointment, meaning don’t get rat-arsed or high on heroin – it’s a very simple final rule that should ensure the client and yourself get full value from your meeting.

Midlands Maidens have never had a poor review since we started, and if you think you could keep that amazing run going by working as a Nottingham companion or escort for us, we’d love to meet you!

Pop over to our Escort Jobs page, fill in the application and send a few photos over, and we look forward to meeting up and setting you live on the website as our latest star!

Posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team.


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