Apart from our three staff members being Midlands Maidens Heartbreakers, it's time for the website owners to break a few hearts.
YouTube Broadcasting
Reading Time - 2 mins
Last Updated on Wednesday, April 12, 2023
YouTube Broadcasting
No sooner did we find a ‘text-to-speech’ software, along comes another lovely piece of kit – software for YouTube broadcasting for blog posts.
We tried it out this morning on the ‘Text-to-Speech’ post from the other day, and within half a minute or so, the software had published the blog post live on YouTube in all it’s glory, complete with dodgy Robo-speak, but with full subtitles and a ‘Ken-Burns’ type slideshow to boot.
We’re trying our YouTube broadcasting out more fully with THIS post though, to see what it can do with a new piece of writing, and deciding whether we need the Text-to-Speech, OR the YouTube broadcasting, OR both of them together for a more panoramic view.
We’re also looking at integrating this software with our Facebook feed and our Twitter feed too eventually, so it’s looking like it’s all go on the social network’s front!
Obviously we’re having to tone it down a little – there won’t be any totty galleries with girls arses and jugs hanging out for YouTube, as Youtube takes censorship very seriously, so returning to the website might be a better option for many of you.
We’ll also be posting the YouTube Vlog right here on the website, but this is one area where the YouTube broadcasting software needs a little improvement, as it’s a little twitchy on where it gets published – far better to manually publish it directly from YouTube in a more exact place.
Welcome then to the first trial run-out of the Midlands Maidens Vlog (Video bLOG) and we hope that you’ll enjoy the content that we promote using YouTube broadcasting.
Let us know what you think, either in the comments on the website or on our YouTube channel (keep it clean on YouTube or you’ll get banned) and we’ll see you next post!
Relevant addresses:
The Midlands Maidens YouTube channel
Originally posted on Midlands Maidens Nottingham Escorts by the NEWS team and the VLOG team.
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